
Workshop on Dermatology for GP 4.0

Original price was: 750.00৳ .Current price is: 500.00৳ .


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Online Workshop on Dermatology for GP

Management Guideline of Derma Clinical Condition.

☑️Course Profile:
⌚ Per Sessions: 1.5+ hour

☑️ Course Fee: 500 BDT 

☑️ Course Features:
🧧 Per Session: 1.5+ Hour

☑️ Target Group:
👨‍🎓 MBBS & Above,
👨‍🎓 FCPS Examinee,
👨‍🎓 MRCP P-1, P-2, Paces Examinee,
👨‍🎓 MD & Diploma Examinee
👨‍🎓 General Physicians & All interested Medical Students & doctors

☑️ Topics:
📌 Introduction & Common Skin Lesions
📌 Management of Scabies & Fungal Infection
📌 Management of psoriasis & Lichen Planus
📌 Management of Eczema & Arsenicosis
📌 Approach to Drug Reaction, urticaria & Use of Steroid
📌 Approach to Herpes, Herpes Zoster, Varicella, molluscum & HIV
📌 Approach to STI, Syphilis & Gonorrhea
📌 Approach to Bacterial Infection of Skin & Bullous Disease
📌 Approach to Skin TB & Leprosy
📌 Management of Acne, Alopecia & Hirsutism
📌 Management of Skin Tumor
📌 Management of Pigmentary Disorders of Skin & Hyperhidrosis
📌 Management of Pruritus, Cutaneous Manifestation of Systemic Disease
📌 Dermatophytosis Related Problems in Bangladesh or In Our Subcontinent

☑️ What will we achieve from this course?
💊 Participants will be able to treat common dermatological problems
💊 Participants will know when to treat and when to refer after diagnosis and initial
💊 Participants will be able to counsel patients properly
💊 Get confidence in GP practice

☑️ Our Mentors:
-Nationally Renowned Specialists in the field of Dermatology.

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Dr S M Bakhtiar Kamal
Assistant Professor (Dermatology)
Dhaka Medical College

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Prof. Dr. Md. Asifuzzaman
HOD, Dermatology Department
Green Life Medical College Hospital

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Prof. Dr. Anzirun Nahar Asma
Associate Professor & Head Department of Dermatology
Popular Medical College Hospital

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Dr. Mahabub Shahin

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Dr. MD. Faruque Hossain
Junior Consultant (Skin & VD),
Kushtia 250 Beded General Hospital, Kushtia

👨‍⚕️ Mentor:
Dr. Md. Jahidul Alam
MD (Dermtatology)
BCS (Health)

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